Η εν οίκω ελευθερία-ρωγμές ελευθερίας των νεαρών εφήβων ηρωίδων στα σκιαθίτικα διηγήματα του Παπαδιαμάντη


  • Γραμμένη-Ελένη Πουρνή


Papadiamantis, short stories, girls, adolescence, freedom


Alexandros Papadiamantis often uses young girls in their teens, who are already of marriageable age for the time, as protagonists in his story stories placed on the Greek island of Skiathos. These girls live in an oppressive social environment that forces them to stay mostly indoors with minimal moments of freedom. But when they are provided, they make the most of them, showing off man's indomitable spirit and the eternal dynamism of womanhood. 


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How to Cite

Πουρνή Γ.-Ε. (2024). Η εν οίκω ελευθερία-ρωγμές ελευθερίας των νεαρών εφήβων ηρωίδων στα σκιαθίτικα διηγήματα του Παπαδιαμάντη. KEIMENA/TEXTS for the Research, Theory, Critique and Didactics of Children’s Literature, 20–38. Retrieved from https://journals.lib.uth.gr/index.php/keimena/article/view/2235