Most read articles by the same author(s)
- Τασούλα Τσιλιμένη, Welcome issue 16 , KEIMENA/TEXTS for the research, theory, critique and didactics of Children's Literature: Issue 16 (February 2013)
- Τασούλα Τσιλιμένη, Welcome issue 10 , KEIMENA/TEXTS for the research, theory, critique and didactics of Children's Literature: Issue 10 (December 2009)
- Τασούλα Τσιλιμένη, Welcome issue 23 , KEIMENA/TEXTS for the research, theory, critique and didactics of Children's Literature: Issue 23 (June 2016)
- Τασούλα Τσιλιμένη, Welcome issue 29 , KEIMENA/TEXTS for the research, theory, critique and didactics of Children's Literature: Issue 29 (June2019)
- Τασούλα Τσιλιμένη, Welcome issue 22 , KEIMENA/TEXTS for the research, theory, critique and didactics of Children's Literature: Issue 22 (January 2016)
- Τασούλα Τσιλιμένη, Bιβλιοπαρουσίαση της Τασούλας Τσιλιμένη , KEIMENA/TEXTS for the research, theory, critique and didactics of Children's Literature: Issue 30 (December 2019)