Physical Activity and Reading Ability of Primary School Students in 5th and 6th Grade. Is there any connection?


  • Stefania-Maria Aggelaki University of Thessaly, Department of Physical Education and Sport Science
  • Nikolaos Digelidis University of Thessaly, Department of Physical Education and Sport Science



physical exercise, academic performance, students, primary school, sedentary behaviors


In the present study we examined if there is any relationship between physical activity levels and reading ability in young students. For this reason we asked from 348 students (boys and girls) in 5th and 6th grade from 10 primary schools in Trikala and Karditsa to complete a standardized readability test and the Youth Activity Profile questionnaire. All scales had acceptable internal consistency (α>.60). Results showed that students who were involved in sports had better scores in readability test in comparison to those who don’t get exercise. Also, we found positive correlation between readability test scores and students’ physical activity outside from school (p=.000) and between academic performance and sedentary behaviors (p=.000). Finally, regression analysis revealed that physical activity outside from school had positive contribution in predicting readability performance (t=5.235, beta=.269 p=.000 < .05) while sedentary behaviors had negative contribution (t= -2.987, beta=-0.153 p=.003 < .05). These results imply that students who engage in sport may benefit at school performance.




How to Cite

Aggelaki Σ.-Μ., & Digelidis Ν. (2018). Physical Activity and Reading Ability of Primary School Students in 5th and 6th Grade. Is there any connection?. Inquiries in Physical Education and Sport, 16(1), 23–34.




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