Enhancing Forth Graders’ Knowledge on the Ancient Olympic Games through Integrated Movement and Theoretical Approaches


  • Eleftheria Zervou Democritus University of Thrace, Department of Physical Education and Sport Science
  • Vassiliki Derri Democritus University of Thrace, Department of Physical Education and Sport Science
  • Aristidis Paterakis Democritus University of Thrace, Department of Physical Education and Sport Science




Olympic Games, interdisciplinary teaching, movement, primary education


The aim of this study was to compare the effectiveness of two interdisciplinary programs (with movement and theoretical approach) in enhancing children’s knowledge on Ancient Olympic Games. Thirty-five children (19 male and 16 female) of the 4th grade, participated. They were randomly divided in two groups and took part in twenty-two 45-minute lessons. The program of the first group took place in the gym and the schoolyard and movement was the means of delivering information about the Olympic Games from the subjects of language, study of environment, and history. The content of instruction for the second group was the same with that of the first, but the program was conducted in the classroom, in the absence of movement. The results showed that both groups enhanced and retained knowledge, after the application of the interdisciplinary programs. It can be concluded that movement can be effectively applied in an interdisciplinary program, as a means of delivering knowledge.




How to Cite

Zervou Ε., Derri Β., & Paterakis Α. (2004). Enhancing Forth Graders’ Knowledge on the Ancient Olympic Games through Integrated Movement and Theoretical Approaches . Inquiries in Physical Education and Sport, 2(2), 148–154. https://doi.org/10.26253/heal.uth.ojs.ispe.2004.1045




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