Training Sport Students as Mentors: The SSaMs Project


  • Athanasios Kolovelonis University of Thessaly, Department of Physical Education and Sport Science
  • Marios Goudas University of Thessaly, Department of Physical Education and Sport Science
  • Alexandra Chioti Music School of Trikala
  • Members of SSaMs project Paul Hopkins and Colin Baker (University of Gloucestershire, UK), Liam Kernan, (Mengage, UK), Noel Rich-ardson and Shane O’Donnell (Institute of Technology Carlow, Ireland), Olga Rodríguez Ferrán, Pilar Sainz de Baranda Andújar, María Jesús Bazaco Belmonte (University of Murcia, Spain), Jana Sklenaříková, Ladislav Baloun, and Tomas Vyhlidal (Palacky University, Czech Republic), Caterina Impastato and Jelena Mazaj (CESIE, Italy)



mentor, mentoring, undergraduate students, positive development, physical education


This paper presents the Erasmus+ program Sport Students as Mentors (SSaMs) which aimed to train sport students as mentors of youngsters who are at risk for early school leaving and to develop respective educational materials. The rationale for conducting the program is analyzed and its aims and objectives are described. Next, the activities of the program are presented with emphasis on the educational materials developed. In particular, one of the main activities of the program was the development of a module aiming to increase sport students’ knowledge and skills to support young boys. The implementation of this module in the Department of Physical Education and Sport Science, University of Thessaly is described and the results of the piloting process are presented. Finally, practical implications and suggestions for developing further this program are discussed.




How to Cite

Kolovelonis Α., Goudas Μ., Chioti Α., & Μέλη Ομάδας έργου SSaMs. (2020). Training Sport Students as Mentors: The SSaMs Project. Inquiries in Physical Education and Sport, 18(3), 142–156.




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