Evaluation of Physical Education Teacher’s Work in Programs of Local Authority by Participants


  • Ilias Kosmas Hellenic Open University, Patra, Hellas




adult education, adult exercisers, physical education teachers, mass sports, Local Authorities


The present study aimed to investigate the view of athletes who participate in mass sports was considered about the characteristics that wish to have the physical education teachers and programs they implemented. In order to achieve the objectives of the study, data were collected from participants in mass sports programs. As methodological tool was used the questionnaire, the questions of which were based on relevant researches and it was shaped in three big categories of questions. The first contained the demographic and social data of respondents, the second category of questions concerned the experiences of respondents on the mass sports programs participated in the past or have been involved in the investigation, while the third category concerned the quality of service. Quantity wise, the survey was applied to a total sample of 150 (N = 150) of adult exercisers gyms urban areas. The results of quantitative research showed that the exercisers wish their physical education teachers to teach in a way that respects their needs and goals and will treat them as adults and not as children. The physical education teachers must adapt to the pace of learning abilities of athletes, show interest in each athlete individually and be supportive to any difficulties faced. By inference, of the survey results it seemed that the exercisers want physical education teachers have such characteristics that are consistent with those of an adult educator.




How to Cite

Kosmas Η. (2015). Evaluation of Physical Education Teacher’s Work in Programs of Local Authority by Participants. Inquiries in Physical Education and Sport, 13(3), 12–21. https://doi.org/10.26253/heal.uth.ojs.ispe.2015.1459


