Implementation and Evaluation of Pre - Service Teachers’ Practicum in Department of Physical Education at University of Thessaly


  • Theofanis Simou University of Thessaly, Department of Physical Education and Sport Science
  • Charalampos Kromidas University of Thessaly, Department of Physical Education and Sport Science
  • Athanasios G. Papaioannou University of Thessaly, Department of Physical Education and Sport Science



practicum, physical education, internship, practice teaching


School-based practicum is considered to be one of the most important elements of a Physical Education (PE) Teacher’s Education program. The current study aimed to present data from the implementation and evaluation of the University of Thessaly’s practicum course (2009-2010). Participants were 39 undergraduate PE student teachers. For a six month period, each student had been assigned to teach PE lessons in two elementary or secondary school classes. During their practice, student teachers were consulted to a Practicum Guide and they were being supervised by university experts and schools’ in-service PE teachers. For the evaluation of the program, participants responded anonymously to questionnaires with acceptable psychometric properties. Particularly, students’ (a) enjoyment and effort, (b) sense of efficacy in instructional practices, in classroom management, and in student engagement, and (c) self-efficacy in student-centered and in teacher-centered teaching styles were assessed. Moreover, students’ perceptions about the support they received from their supervisors and the Practicum Guide appropriateness were evaluated. Students increased their sense of efficacy in instructional strategies (t34= -2.21, p < .05), in classroom management (t34= -2.90, p < .01) and for using student-centered teaching styles (t34 = -2.30, p < .05). Moreover, pre-service students seemed to have positive perceptions regarding the support they received from their supervisors and the Practicum Guide appropriateness and usefulness. It seems that this course accomplished most of its goals.
However, there are still many challenges to deal with in the future.




How to Cite

Simou Θ., Kromidas Χ., & Papaioannou Α. Γ. (2013). Implementation and Evaluation of Pre - Service Teachers’ Practicum in Department of Physical Education at University of Thessaly. Inquiries in Physical Education and Sport, 11(2), 14–33.


