Promoting students’ metacognitive activities through TGfU
tactical-game approach, basketball, metacognitiοnAbstract
The aim of the study was to examine the effectiveness of the TGfU model in
promoting metacognitive activity in basketball. TGfU is a tactical-skill approach to teaching
games in which the participants are learning though playing the games. Seventy-three
students aged 11 years old children participated in the study. Students were divided into two
groups: i) the experimental group consisted of 29 students and ii) the control group of 44
students. Teachers in the intervention classes applied the tactical-game approach (TGfU) but
in the control group no intervention applied. Metacognition was assessed pre and postintervention
using a metacognitive questionnaire (Theodosiou & Papaioannou, 2006). Repeated measures analysis showed that there were statistically significant differences between groups. The results imply that the tactical-game approach is an effective way to improve metacognitives activities in physical education classes.