Risk in Sports: Definitions, Theories, Psychological Profile of the Participants


  • Christos Belogiannis University of Thessaly, Department of Physical Education and Sport Science
  • Anna Kourtesopoulou University of Thessaly, Department of Physical Education and Sport Science
  • Nikitas Nikitaras Department of Physical Education and Sports Sciences, University of Athens




High-risk sports, sensation seeking, participation motives, psychological characteristics


In our days, participation is widespread in sports and activities that offer action, stimulation, and moments of high arousal, characterized of high risk taking. As a result, numerous researches have focused on the interpretation of the individual’s consuming reasons in high risk sports. The purpose of this review was to examine the meaning and the extensions of risk in relevance with the personality profiles, the participation motives, as well as the orientation of those motives of persons that participate in high risk activities. Indicative motives appeared to be: sensation seeking, seeking of novel and intense emotions, technical improvement and transfer from reality. Because of the great tendency of people who wish to participate in such activities, an industry was created that deals with the implementation of controlled risk activities. The collection of the data about participation in high risk sports could become a useful tool for the planning of such programs. Besides it can also set the base for further research on whether some individuals’ high risk predisposition can be foreseen and these data be used by trainers or agents of such sports.




How to Cite

Belogiannis Χ., Kourtesopoulou Ά., & Nikitaras Ν. (2007). Risk in Sports: Definitions, Theories, Psychological Profile of the Participants . Inquiries in Physical Education and Sport, 5(3), 414–423. https://doi.org/10.26253/heal.uth.ojs.ispe.2007.1219


